


  • Get early insights into hole quality when logged as part of the first openhole string
  • Get high-resolution vertical and azimuthal measurements compared to other caliper tools
  • Generate fully oriented hole geometry profiles at the wellsite

  • Early hole quality assessment
  • Borehole geometry analysis including wellbore tortuosity and hole/cement volume calculations
  • Geomechanics including borehole breakout assessment, hole ovality, and stress field orientation



Bring a new dimension of clarity to your openhole caliper logging runs with the Well Geometry Instrument™ (WGI™) measurement service from Baker Hughes. The WGI service addresses significant shortcomings of previous caliper tools by acquiring high-resolution data while running in and out of the hole.


Gain a wealth of information on your borehole

Caliper instruments are widely used as part of formation evaluation programs in all exploration and development wells. The WGI measurement service stands apart from other caliper systems as the industry’s first tool to acquire data while running in the hole, and the first to acquire high-resolution measurements while running in either direction.

The WGI service’s mechanical section includes a telescoping arm design with six arms, which allows full 6-radii logging in both upward and downward logging directions. The small contact area of the caliper measuring tips on each arm affords high-resolution measurements. The service is combinable with all other openhole instruments in any string configuration, and can be run simultaneously with an orientation instrument at all sample rates.

The WGI service’s ability to collect high-resolution data on the first openhole logging string gives you early insights into your borehole quality and geometry. Use these insights to:

  • Assess the degree of hole enlargement and rugosity, which helps you pinpoint intervals for subsequent logging, sidewall coring, pressure testing, and fluid sampling
  • Optimize the design and installation of completion hardware such as screens, casing, and packers
  • Evaluate and improve drilling practices
  • Measure wellbore ellipticity caused by borehole breakouts
  • Measure in-situ stress field orientations
  • Derive the mechanical strength of the rock (by integrating with other openhole logs) for future well-path, mud program, and well completion designs

Contact us today to learn how our Wellbore Geometry Instrument can improve the clarity and certainty of your borehole geometry.


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