
We offer a fully integrated acrolein service package and will work closely with you to develop an acrolein treatment program to improve your oilfield’s productivity, lower costs, and help protect the environment.

We control our own manufacturing process and the supply, using our dedicated manufacturing facility in the US. This provides you with supply chain security, so your production system always gets the treatment it needs.

Proven Value

We have over 50 years of experience in supplying and applying acrolein to the worldwide oilfield market and can manage the application of acrolein in your production systems. Our products and services are widely available for the global oilfield market with adequate supply and capital investment to support a growing global market. In addition, we have proven technical and field application experience. Our biocide is registered with both the US EPA and Canada PMRA.


HSE Commitment

Acrolein can be viewed as a dangerous material, so we are committed to product stewardship for health, safety, and environmental (HSE) performance. We are your partner and are committed to applying acrolein safely. Our professionals are trained to manage delivery, installation, application, and maintenance of your acrolein program. We can also provide technical and safety training for your professionals.

Our MAGNACIDE™ B microbiocide:

  • Penetrates oil-wet biofilms and solids
  • Improves water clarification
  • Can be transported through water injection systems
  • Removes hydrogen sulfide (H2S) from production gathering systems

Our MAGNATREAT™ M sulfide scavenger:

  • Mitigates H2S from mixed production and source water
  • Minimizes solids deposits in tanks
  • Improves oil and water separation
  • Increases filter life
  • Helps control under-deposit corrosion

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