


  • Eliminate water haze from fuels
  • Reduce corrosion in distribution systems
  • Effectively store fuels in low temperature areas, without the need for insulation or heating

  • Fuel oils
  • Gasoline

Maximize your fuel profitability while meeting increasingly stringent regulations with TOLAD™ dehazers and demulsifiers from Baker Hughes. Our hydrocarbon-soluble products neutralize the emulsifying agents in fuels that stabilize water hazes and emulsions.

Finished fuels become hazy by the presence of finely dispersed water droplets or emulsions. Our proven line of TOLAD dehazers and demulsifiers deactivate the emulsifying agents that stabilize water hazes in your fuel oils and gasoline.

Work with our application experts to apply these solutions on either a continuous or batch basis, depending on your specific treatment needs.

By quickly and efficiently dropping water out of your fuels, TOLAD dehazers and demulsifiers deliver a clear, marketable fuel that reduces the potential for corrosion in your distribution system and lowers the likelihood of microbial growth.

Contact us today to learn how TOLAD dehazers and demulsifiers can optimize the stability and profitability of your petroleum products.

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