


  • Improve economics by minimizing polymer loadings and pad and total frac fluid volumes
  • Minimize formation damage and maximize fracture conductivity with controlled polymer breaking
  • Minimize environmental impact without sacrificing performance

  • Hydraulic fracturing in wells where a resilient crosslinked fluid is needed
  • Energized fracturing operations
  • Frac-pack operations



Optimize your hydraulic fracturing operations for maximum well production with the Lightning™ Plus fracturing fluid from Baker Hughes. A premium-performance, borate- crosslinked guar polymer system, the Lighting Plus fluid can be employed at low additive concentrations for reservoir stimulation at temperatures exceeding 300°F (149°C).

The Lightning Plus fluid system uses the Baker Hughes GW-2 polymer, a highly refined, ultrahigh-yielding guar that generates up to 40% greater viscosity than conventional, borate-crosslinked guar fluids prepared with equivalent concentrations of polymer product.

The greater efficiency allows the Lightning Plus systems to be pumped with significantly lower guar loadings than conventional systems. As a result, you’re assured reduced polymeric residue and gel damage, which optimizes your fracture conductivity.

Contact us to learn how the Lightning Plus fracturing fluid system can maximize your well stimulation results.

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