
The Reservoir Characterization Instrument™ (RCI™) service from Baker Hughes delivers vital petrophysical information to predict reservoir behavior during production. Reservoir volume, fluid producibility, and the type and composition of movable fluids are data you can use throughout your reservoir’s life cycle.


To support the initial assessment of your project’s commercial potential, RCI provides estimates for production capability, fluid type and composition, fluid-phase behavior, production-facility design, and flow assurance. These estimates are critical to your project’s long-term success because subsequent intervention or redesign could affect the project’s economic viability.

RCI’s modular formation testing and sampling tool delivers a complete description of your reservoir’s fluid type and behavior. Modular capabilities record formation pressures and collect fluid samples in a wide array of geological environments and borehole conditions.


Combine RCI with the In-Situ Fluids eXplorer™ (IFX) or SampleView service for complete formation pressure testing and sampling. SampleView captures the necessary reservoir fluid sample required for detailed pressure, volume, and temperature (PVT) analyses.

Configure the RCI with the straddle packer module for pressure testing and sampling in low-permeability, fractured, and unconsolidated formations. You can also conduct Mini-DST and Micro-Frac testing for complete rock and fluid characterization.

The proprietary Formation Rate Analysis™ (FRA™) technique, used while pumping for pretest and gradients, validates formation pressure test data and produces a permeability estimate.


RCI’s modular design results in operational efficiencies and optimum borehole access. Our RCI system combines with many other instruments and is conveyed via wireline or drillpipe. Titanium construction allows wireline conveyance more often than similar systems.

Our RCI service includes a surface-controllable packer section for variable volume and variable-rate drawdown, and small and large displacement pumps. A multitank carrier system enables cost-efficient sample recovery.

Contact your Baker Hughes representative today to find out more about fluid characterization and testing. How can we help you asses and optimize your reservoir’s life cycle?

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